
Virtual File System (VFS)

The primary way to access files within your node is through the VFS API. The VFS API follows std::fs closely, while also adding some capabilities checks on paths. Use the hyperware_process_lib to interact with the VFS.

VFS files exist in the vfs/ directory within your home node, and files are grouped by PackageId. For example, part of the VFS might look like:

node-home/vfs ├── app-store:sys │   ├── pkg │   │   ├── api │   │   │   └── app-store:sys-v0.wit │   │   ├── app-store.wasm │   │   ├── manifest.json │   │ ... │   └── tmp ├── chess:sys │   ├── pkg │   │   ├── api │   │   │   └── chess:sys-v0.wit │   │   ├── chess.wasm │   │   ├── manifest.json │   │   └── ui │   │ │ │   │ ... │   └── tmp ├── homepage:sys │   ├── pkg │   │   ├── api │   │   │   └── homepage:sys-v0.wit │   │   ├── homepage.wasm │   │   ├── manifest.json │   │   └── ui │   │ │ │   │ ... │   └── tmp ...


A drive is a directory within a package's VFS directory, e.g., app-store:sys/pkg/ or your-package:publisher.os/my-drive/. Drives are owned by processes. Processes can share access to drives they own via capabilities. Each package is spawned with two drives: pkg/ and tmp/. All processes in a package have caps to these default drives. Processes can also create additional drives. These new drives are permissioned at the process-level: other processes will need to be granted capabilities to read or write these drives.

pkg/ drive

The pkg/ drive contains metadata about the package that Hyperware requires to run that package, .wasm binaries, and optionally the API of the package and the UI. When creating packages, the pkg/ drive is populated by kit build and loaded into the node using kit start-package.

tmp/ drive

The tmp/ drive can be written to directly by the owning package using standard filesystem functionality (i.e. std::fs in Rust) via WASI in addition to the Hyperware VFS.


For usage examples, see the VFS API.

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