kit publish

short: kit p

kit publish creates entries in the Hypermap, publishing the given package according to the app-stores protocol. It can also be used to update or unpublish previously-published packages. kit publish writes directly to the Hypermap: it does not interact with a Hyperware node.

Example Usage

# Publish a package on the real network (Optimism mainnet).
kit publish --metadata-uri --keystore-path ~/.foundry/keystores/dev --rpc wss://<ALCHEMY_API_KEY> --real

# Unublish a package.
kit publish --metadata-uri --keystore-path ~/.foundry/keystores/dev --rpc wss://<ALCHEMY_API_KEY> --real --unpublish

See Sharing with the World for a tutorial on how to use kit publish.


$ kit publish --help
Publish or update a package

Usage: kit publish [OPTIONS] --metadata-uri <URI> --rpc <RPC_URI> [DIR]

  [DIR]  The package directory to publish [default: /home/nick]

  -k, --keystore-path <PATH>
          Path to private key keystore (choose 1 of `k`, `l`, `t`)
  -l, --ledger
          Use Ledger private key (choose 1 of `k`, `l`, `t`)
  -t, --trezor
          Use Trezor private key (choose 1 of `k`, `l`, `t`)
  -u, --metadata-uri <URI>
          URI where metadata lives
  -r, --rpc <RPC_URI>
          Ethereum Optimism mainnet RPC endpoint (wss://)
  -e, --real
          If set, deploy to real network [default: fake node]
          If set, unpublish existing published package [default: publish a package]
  -g, --gas-limit <GAS_LIMIT>
          The ETH transaction gas limit [default: 1_000_000]
  -p, --priority-fee <MAX_PRIORITY_FEE_PER_GAS>
          The ETH transaction max priority fee per gas [default: estimated from network conditions]
  -f, --fee-per-gas <MAX_FEE_PER_GAS>
          The ETH transaction max fee per gas [default: estimated from network conditions]
  -m, --mock
          If set, don't actually publish: just dry-run
  -h, --help
          Print help

Positional arg: DIR

Publish the metadata for the package in this directory.


short: -u

The URI hosting the metadata.json. You must place the metadata.json somewhere public before publishing your package on Hypermap. A common place to host metadata.json is on your package's GitHub repo. If you use GitHub, make sure to use the static link to the specific commit, not a branch-specific URL (e.g. main) that will change with new commits. For example, is not the correct link to use, because it will change when new commits are added. You want to use a link like which will not change when new commits are added.


short: -k

Use private key from keystore given by path. The keystore is a Web3 Secret Storage file that holds an encrypted copy of your private keys. See the Sharing with the World usage example for one way to create a keystore.

Must supply one and only one of --keystore-path, --ledger, or --trezor.


short: -l

Use private key from Ledger.

Must supply one and only one of --keystore-path, --ledger, or --trezor.


short: -t

Use private key from Trezor.

Must supply one and only one of --keystore-path, --ledger, or --trezor.


short: -r

The Ethereum RPC endpoint to use. For fakenodes this runs by default at ws://localhost:8545.


short: -e

Manipulate the real (live) Hypermap. Default is to manipulate the fakenode Hypermap.


Remove a previously-published package.


short: -g

Set the gas limit for the transaction.


short: -p

Set the priority fee for the transaction.


short: -f

Set the price of gas for the transaction.

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