Useful helper functions can be found in the hyperware_process_lib. More discussion of databases in Hyperware can be found here.

Creating/Opening a database

fn main() {
use hyperware_process_lib::kv;

let kv = kv::open(our.package_id(), "birthdays")?;

// You can now pass this KV struct as a reference to other functions


fn main() {
let key = b"hello";
let value= b"world";

let returnvalue = kv.set(&key, &value, None)?;
// The third argument None is for tx_id.
// You can group sets and deletes and commit them later.


fn main() {
let key = b"hello";

let returnvalue = kv.get(&key)?;


fn main() {
let key = b"hello";

kv.delete(&key, None)?;


fn main() {
let tx_id = kv.begin_tx()?;

let key = b"hello";
let key2 = b"deleteme";
let value= b"value";

kv.set(&key, &value, Some(tx_id))?;
kv.delete(&key, Some(tx_id))?;



fn main() {
/// Actions are sent to a specific key value database. `db` is the name,
/// `package_id` is the [`PackageId`] that created the database. Capabilities
/// are checked: you can access another process's database if it has given
/// you the read and/or write capability to do so.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct KvRequest {
    pub package_id: PackageId,
    pub db: String,
    pub action: KvAction,

/// IPC Action format representing operations that can be performed on the
/// key-value runtime module. These actions are included in a [`KvRequest`]
/// sent to the `kv:distro:sys` runtime module.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub enum KvAction {
    /// Opens an existing key-value database or creates a new one if it doesn't exist.
    /// Requires `package_id` in [`KvRequest`] to match the package ID of the sender.
    /// The sender will own the database and can remove it with [`KvAction::RemoveDb`].
    /// A successful open will respond with [`KvResponse::Ok`]. Any error will be
    /// contained in the [`KvResponse::Err`] variant.
    /// Permanently deletes the entire key-value database.
    /// Requires `package_id` in [`KvRequest`] to match the package ID of the sender.
    /// Only the owner can remove the database.
    /// A successful remove will respond with [`KvResponse::Ok`]. Any error will be
    /// contained in the [`KvResponse::Err`] variant.
    /// Sets a value for the specified key in the database.
    /// # Parameters
    /// * `key` - The key as a byte vector
    /// * `tx_id` - Optional transaction ID if this operation is part of a transaction
    /// * blob: [`Vec<u8>`] - Byte vector to store for the key
    /// Using this action requires the sender to have the write capability
    /// for the database.
    /// A successful set will respond with [`KvResponse::Ok`]. Any error will be
    /// contained in the [`KvResponse::Err`] variant.
    Set { key: Vec<u8>, tx_id: Option<u64> },
    /// Deletes a key-value pair from the database.
    /// # Parameters
    /// * `key` - The key to delete as a byte vector
    /// * `tx_id` - Optional transaction ID if this operation is part of a transaction
    /// Using this action requires the sender to have the write capability
    /// for the database.
    /// A successful delete will respond with [`KvResponse::Ok`]. Any error will be
    /// contained in the [`KvResponse::Err`] variant.
    Delete { key: Vec<u8>, tx_id: Option<u64> },
    /// Retrieves the value associated with the specified key.
    /// # Parameters
    /// * The key to look up as a byte vector
    /// Using this action requires the sender to have the read capability
    /// for the database.
    /// A successful get will respond with [`KvResponse::Get`], where the response blob
    /// contains the value associated with the key if any. Any error will be
    /// contained in the [`KvResponse::Err`] variant.
    /// Begins a new transaction for atomic operations.
    /// Sending this will prompt a [`KvResponse::BeginTx`] response with the
    /// transaction ID. Any error will be contained in the [`KvResponse::Err`] variant.
    /// Commits all operations in the specified transaction.
    /// # Parameters
    /// * `tx_id` - The ID of the transaction to commit
    /// A successful commit will respond with [`KvResponse::Ok`]. Any error will be
    /// contained in the [`KvResponse::Err`] variant.
    Commit { tx_id: u64 },

#[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub enum KvResponse {
    /// Indicates successful completion of an operation.
    /// Sent in response to actions Open, RemoveDb, Set, Delete, and Commit.
    /// Returns the transaction ID for a newly created transaction.
    /// # Fields
    /// * `tx_id` - The ID of the newly created transaction
    BeginTx { tx_id: u64 },
    /// Returns the value for the key that was retrieved from the database.
    /// # Parameters
    /// * The retrieved key as a byte vector
    /// * blob: [`Vec<u8>`] - Byte vector associated with the key
    /// Indicates an error occurred during the operation.

#[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, Error)]
pub enum KvError {
    #[error("db [{0}, {1}] does not exist")]
    NoDb(PackageId, String),
    #[error("key not found")]
    #[error("no transaction {0} found")]
    #[error("no write capability for requested DB")]
    #[error("no read capability for requested DB")]
    #[error("request to open or remove DB with mismatching package ID")]
    #[error("failed to generate capability for new DB")]
    #[error("kv got a malformed request that either failed to deserialize or was missing a required blob")]
    #[error("RocksDB internal error: {0}")]
    #[error("IO error: {0}")]

/// The JSON parameters contained in all capabilities issued by `kv:distro:sys`.
/// # Fields
/// * `kind` - The kind of capability, either [`KvCapabilityKind::Read`] or [`KvCapabilityKind::Write`]
/// * `db_key` - The database key, a tuple of the [`PackageId`] that created the database and the database name
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct KvCapabilityParams {
    pub kind: KvCapabilityKind,
    pub db_key: (PackageId, String),

#[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
#[serde(rename_all = "lowercase")]
pub enum KvCapabilityKind {
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