kit inject-message

short: kit i

kit inject-message injects the given message to the node running at given port/URL, e.g.,

kit inject-message foo:foo:template.os '{"Send": {"target": "fake2.os", "message": "hello world"}}'


kit inject-message injects the given message into the given node. It is useful for:

  1. Testing processes from the outside world during development
  2. Injecting data into the node
  3. Combining the above with bash or other scripting. For example, using the --blob flag you can directly inject the contents of a file. You can script in the outside world, dump the result to a file, and inject it with inject-message.

By default, inject-message expects a Response from the target process. To instead "fire and forget" a message and exit immediately, use the --non-block flag.


$ kit inject-message --help
Inject a message to a running node

Usage: kit inject-message [OPTIONS] <PROCESS> <BODY_JSON>

  <PROCESS>    PROCESS to send message to
  <BODY_JSON>  Body in JSON format

  -p, --port <NODE_PORT>  localhost node port; for remote see [default: 8080]
  -n, --node <NODE_NAME>  Node ID (default: our)
  -b, --blob <PATH>       Send file at Unix path as bytes blob
  -l, --non-block         If set, don't block on the full node response
  -h, --help              Print help

First positional arg: PROCESS

The process to send the injected message to in the form of <process_name>:<package_name>:<publisher>.

Second positional arg: BODY_JSON

The message body.


short: -p

For nodes running on localhost, the port of the node; defaults to 8080. --port is overridden by --url if both are supplied.


short: -n

Node to target (i.e. the node portion of the address).

E.g., the following, sent to the port running fake.os, will be forwarded from fake.os's HTTP server to fake2@foo:foo:template.os:

kit inject-message foo:foo:template.os '{"Send": {"target": "fake.os", "message": "wow, it works!"}}' --node fake2.os


short: -b

Path to file to include as lazy_load_blob.


short: -l

Don't block waiting for a Response from target process. Instead, inject the message and immediately return.

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