kit start-package

short: kit s

kit start-package installs and starts the indicated package directory (or current working directory) on the given Hyperware node (at localhost:8080 by default), e.g.,

kit start-package foo


kit start-package


kit start-package injects a built package into the given node and starts it. start-package is designed to be used after a package has been built with kit build. The pkg/ directory contains metadata about the package for the node as well as the .wasm binaries for each process. The final step in the build process is to zip the pkg/ directory. kit start-package looks for the zipped pkg/ and then injects a message to the node to start the package.

To both build and start-package in one command, use kit build-start-package.


$ kit start-package --help
Start a built Hyprware package

Usage: kit start-package [OPTIONS] [DIR]

  [DIR]  The package directory to start [default: /home/nick]

  -p, --port <NODE_PORT>  localhost node port; for remote see [default: 8080]
  -h, --help              Print help

Optional positional arg: DIR

The package directory to install and start on the node; defaults to current working directory.


short: -p

The localhost port of the node; defaults to 8080. To interact with a remote node, see here.

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