Sharing with the World

So, you've made a new process. You've tested your code and are ready to share with friends, or perhaps just install across multiple nodes in order to do more testing.

First, it's a good idea to publish the code to a public repository. This can be added to your package metadata.json like so:

... "website": "", ...

At a minimum you will need to publish the metadata.json. An easy option is to publish it on GitHub. If you use GitHub, make sure to use the static link to the specific commit, not a branch-specific URL (e.g. main) that wil change with new commits. For example, is not the correct link to use, because it will change when new commits are added. You want to use a link like which will not change when new commits are added.

You'll need to populate the code_hashes field of metadata.json. The hash can be found by running kit build on your package: it will be output after a successful build.

Next, review all the data in pkg/manifest.json and metadata.json. The package_name field in metadata.json determines the name of the package. The publisher field determines the name of the publisher (you!).

Once you're ready to share, it's quite easy.

If you are developing on a fake node, you'll have to boot a real one, then install this package locally in order to publish on the network, e.g.

kit s my-package

Using the App Store GUI

Navigate to the App Store and follow the Publish flow, which will guide you through publishing your application.

Using kit publish

Alternatively, you can publish your application from the command-line using kit publish. To do so, you'll either need to

  1. Create a keystore.
  2. Use a Ledger.
  3. Use a Trezor.

The keystore is an encrypted wallet private key: the key that owns your publishing node. See below for discussion of how to create the keystore. To use a hardware wallet, simply input the appropriate flag to kit publish (-l for Ledger or -t for Trezor).

In addition, you'll need an ETH RPC endpoint. See the OPTIONAL: Acquiring an RPC API Key section for a walkthrough of how to get an Alchemy API key.

Making a Keystore

Keystores, also known as Web3 Secret Storage, can be created in many ways; here, use foundrys cast. First, get foundry, and then run:

cast wallet import -i my-wallet

following the prompts to create your keystore named my-wallet.

Running kit publish

To publish your package, run:

kit publish --metadata-uri --keystore-path ~/.foundry/keystores/my-wallet --rpc wss://<ALCHEMY_API_KEY> --real

and enter the password you created when making the keystore, here my-wallet.

Congratulations, your app is now live on the network!

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