Most processes will not use this API directly. Instead, processes will make use of the networking protocol simply by sending messages to processes running on other nodes. This API is documented, rather, for those who wish to implement their own networking protocol.

The networking API is implemented in the net:distro:sys process.

For the specific networking protocol, see the networking protocol chapter. This chapter is rather to describe the message-based API that the net:distro:sys process exposes.

Net, like all processes and runtime modules, is architected around a main message-receiving loop. The received Requests are handled in one of three ways:

  • If the target.node is "our domain", i.e. the domain name of the local node, and the source.node is also our domain, the message is parsed and treated as either a debugging command or one of the NetActions enum.

  • If the target.node is our domain, but the source.node is not, the message is either parsed as the NetActions enum, or if it fails to parse, is treated as a "hello" message and printed in the terminal, size permitting. This "hello" protocol simply attempts to display the message.body as a UTF-8 string and is mostly used for network debugging.

  • If the source.node is our domain, but the target.node is not, the message is sent to the target using the networking protocol implementation.

Let's look at NetActions. Note that this message type can be received from remote or local processes. Different implementations of the networking protocol may reject actions depending on whether they were instigated locally or remotely, and also discriminate on which remote node sent the action. This is, for example, where a router would choose whether or not to perform routing for a specific node<>node connection.

fn main() {
/// Must be parsed from message pack vector.
/// all Get actions must be sent from local process. used for debugging
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub enum NetAction {
    /// Received from a router of ours when they have a new pending passthrough for us.
    /// We should respond (if we desire) by using them to initialize a routed connection
    /// with the NodeId given.
    /// can only receive from trusted source: requires net root cap
    /// can only receive from trusted source: requires net root cap
    /// get a list of peers we are connected to
    /// get the [`Identity`] struct for a single peer
    /// get a user-readable diagnostics string containing networking inforamtion
    /// sign the attached blob payload, sign with our node's networking key.
    /// **only accepted from our own node**
    /// **the source [`Address`] will always be prepended to the payload**
    /// given a message in blob payload, verify the message is signed by
    /// the given source. if the signer is not in our representation of
    /// the PKI, will not verify.
    /// **the `from` [`Address`] will always be prepended to the payload**
    Verify { from: Address, signature: Vec<u8> },

#[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, Hash, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct HnsUpdate {
    pub name: String,
    pub public_key: String,
    pub ips: Vec<String>,
    pub ports: BTreeMap<String, u16>,
    pub routers: Vec<String>,

This type must be parsed from a request body using MessagePack. ConnectionRequest is sent by remote nodes as part of the WebSockets networking protocol in order to ask a router to connect them to a node that they can't connect to directly. This is responded to with either an Accepted or Rejected variant of NetResponses.

HnsUpdate and HnsBatchUpdate both are used as entry point by which the net module becomes aware of the Hyperware PKI, or HNS. In the current distro these are only accepted from the local node, and specifically the hns-indexer distro package.

GetPeers is used to request a list of peers that the net module is connected to. It can only be received from the local node.

GetPeer is used to request the Identity struct for a single peer. It can only be received from the local node.

GetName is used to request the NodeId associated with a given namehash. It can only be received from the local node.

GetDiagnostics is used to request a user-readable diagnostics string containing networking information. It can only be received from the local node.

Sign is used to request that the attached blob payload be signed with our node's networking key. It can only be received from the local node.

Verify is used to request that the attached blob payload be verified as being signed by the given source. It can only be received from the local node.

Finally, let's look at the type parsed from a Response.

fn main() {
/// Must be parsed from message pack vector
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub enum NetResponse {
    /// response to [`NetAction::ConnectionRequest`]
    /// response to [`NetAction::ConnectionRequest`]
    /// response to [`NetAction::GetPeers`]
    /// response to [`NetAction::GetPeer`]
    /// response to [`NetAction::GetDiagnostics`]. a user-readable string.
    /// response to [`NetAction::Sign`]. contains the signature in blob
    /// response to [`NetAction::Verify`]. boolean indicates whether
    /// the signature was valid or not. note that if the signer node
    /// cannot be found in our representation of PKI, this will return false,
    /// because we cannot find the networking public key to verify with.

This type must be also be parsed using MessagePack, this time from responses received by net.

In the future, NetActions and NetResponses may both expand to cover message types required for implementing networking protocols other than the WebSockets one.

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